Reality Based Training (Force on Force)

The Reality Based Training Course is a dynamic and immersive program designed to enhance participants' tactical skills, decision-making abilities, and situational awareness in real-world scenarios.


Talon Defender Advanced 350

This course represents the second in a three part series. 250, 350 and 450. The Advanced(350) course will build on the foundations set before it by the Enhanced(250).


Talon Protector Series -Enhanced

Talon Range 550 Commerce Blvd, Midway, FL

The Talon Protector Series is the most comprehensive Tactical Carbine specific course that Talon offers.


Low Light Tactics

Talon Range 550 Commerce Blvd, Midway, FL

This class is designed to teach tactical skills with little available light and incorporates the same tactics law enforcement uses for SWAT and other specialty teams.
